Anesthesia and Sedation

One of the most common concerns or fears when it comes to wisdom teeth removal is the worry about what pain can be felt during the extraction. Knowing what type of anesthesia that is used during your procedure can help you know what to expect during your wisdom teeth removal. 

At Texas Wisdom Teeth Center, our providers use Intravenous (IV) Conscious Sedation. Many people experience feelings of euphoia and relaxation.  After the procedure has been completed, most people have no memory of having their wisdom teeth removed.

Throughout the procedure, our surgical team will closely monitor all your vitals, including oxygen levels, temperature, blood pressure, and your medication needs. We are dedicated to your care and will work to keep you pain-free during and after your wisdom teeth procedure.

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Post Sedation Instructions

  1. Go home and rest for the remainder of the day.
  2. Do not perform any strenuous activity.
  3. Remain in the company of a responsible adult until you are fully alert.
  4. Follow any post-operative instructions given to you for the dental procedures performed.
  5. If you are taking any prescribed medications, these should be resumed on a normal schedule unless otherwise instructed.
  6. Do not attempt to eat a heavy meal immediately following.
  7. Stay hydrated by drinking water and other clear beverages such as Gatorade or Sprite.
  8. A feeling of nausea may occasionally develop after sedation. The following may help:
    • Lay down until feeling better
    • Slowly sip on a soft drink
    • Place a cool washcloth on your forehead
    • If nausea persists, please contact our office for the appropriate management
  9. Do not drive a motor vehicle or perform any hazardous tasks for the remainder of the day.
  10. Take prescribed pain medications only as directed.
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What to do After Leaving Surgery

Learn more about what you can expect after your wisdom teeth removal and how you can promote a quick and less painful recovery.

Contact Us For More Information

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More Questions? Contact us

Our team is ready to help guide you through the process of getting your wisdom teeth removed. Whether you have questions about the process, financing, or need help getting your appointment scheduled, give us a call today.