WE ARE IN NETWORK WITH MOST PPO DENTAL PLANS...Metlife, Cigna, Delta Dental, Ameritas, Humana, Guardian, United Health Care, BCBS, Principal, aetna, and many more!
Your insurance information will be requested and verified through a representative for your plan. An estimate will be created and collected on the day of surgery based upon information received by your plan. An accurate estimate can only be given over the phone when a copy of a current panoramic x-ray that has been taken within the last year has been provided to us. If you do not have a current panoramic x-ray, we will be more than happy to take one at our office on the day of your treatment. A "worst case" scenario estimate will be quoted. Once an x-ray is taken at your treatment visit, we will refigure your out-of-pocket estimate based upon the level of impaction of the teeth.
Schedule your wisdom teeth removal today.